Ocean of thoughts

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22 Famous Quotes Lines for Life

Most Famous Quotes Lines for Life रख हौंसला वो मंज़र भी आएगा, प्यासे के पास चल कर समंदर भी आएगा,...

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18 Short quotes about life

Best new 2023 short quotes in Hindi Download Zindagi doesn’t do favors when it gives and doesn’t show consideration when...

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Top 17 Motivational Quotes

Motivational Quotes in Hindi Words & thoughts play an important role in our lives, good thinking makes life sacred, legible...

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Best 15 Inspirational Quotes

Inspirational Quotes in English & Hindi Words & thoughts play an important role in our lives, good thinking makes life...

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Most 14 Thoughts on Life

Thoughts on Life in Hindi & English Words & thoughts play an important role in our lives, good thinking makes...